CalTestBed Voucher Awarded to CEL

December 2, 2021

The Upshot

CEL was one of 15 clean energy start-ups to win a testing voucher through the CalTestBed Program.

CEL Awarded CalTestBed Voucher

California Energy Commission awarded a CalTestBed voucher to CEL. As a result of this award, we will partner with the University of California Berkeley Center for the Built Environment. Together, we will measure energy and demand savings from our technology at up to five California testing sites. Meanwhile, we have begun forming partnerships for the project. So, if you are a Facilities Director, Maintenance Director, or Energy Manager at a commercial facility and would like us to consider you for one of these pilots, please call our office 866-578-7118.

ABOUT CalTestBed

The CalTestBed Initiative is a California Energy Commission (CEC)-funded voucher program that assists clean energy entrepreneurs in gaining access to critical testing facilities. CalTestBed awards vouchers of up to $300,000 to competitively selected companies. This allows companies to secure third-party testing at more than 60 world-class facilities at University of California campuses and LBNL. As a result, the voucher speeds up commercialization through connections to a network of partners. Above all, CalTestBed allows communities to realize the economic, environmental, and social benefits of the flourishing clean energy industry. New Energy Nexus leads the program in partnership with the University of California Office of the President and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

Watch CEL's Jennifer Worrall (CTO) present at CalTestBed Symposium
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