Canary Media Highlights CEL's Use of AI

October 18, 2023

The Upshot

Canary Media recently featured CEL in an article discussing the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide building energy management solutions.

Canary Media Talks AI in Climate Tech

AI has been a hot topic lately due to applications like ChatGPT. But as we have long known, AI can be used for a lot more than just writing mediocre essays. CEL's platform relies on AI to optimize building occupant comfort, shift peak load, and manage demand response and daily energy use.

Innovative uses of AI in climate tech recently caught the attention of Canary Media. The publication's recent piece about these emerging technologies features CEL as well as two other startups. As the article mentions, CEL has been highly effective in its application of AI:

"CEL’s system cut 24 percent of total peak power and 30 percent of HVAC peak power. It also shifted 16% of the cooling load from an on-peak price period to a low price period. Those savings yielded a payback on the cost of installation in less than two months, according to pilot data. But more importantly, they did so without triggering any complaints from teachers or students that classrooms were too hot — the key measure of success for any energy-focused HVAC control platform, [Tanya Barham] said. 'If you’re not doing both comfort and energy cost, someone’s always losing,' she said. But for traditional building-automation systems, keeping track of both of those variables on the fly is ​'a constant game of whack-a-mole…no human being can do this.'"

Enter: CEL. Our algorithm does the tinkering for you so you can take your hands off the thermostat. Our price point is accessible for small and mid-sized public buildings, and occupant comfort is a top priority for us. Thank you to Canary Media for spreading the word about our work!

Check out the article to read more about our work and that of two other impressive companies!

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