EPIC Challenge Winners Use CEL's Tech

February 17, 2022

The Upshot

Three of the projects that recently received funding through the EPIC Challenge used CEL's building automation technology.

CEC invests in emissions-free and resilient developments through the EPIC Challenge

On December 15, 2020, the California Energy Commission (CEC) released a competitive solicitation to fund mixed-use developments. This solicitation was offered through the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Challenge. Awardees' developments must be affordable, equitable, emissions-free, and resilient to climate change impacts and extreme weather events. Projects must also use cutting-edge energy technologies, tools, and construction practices. Up to $48,000,000 in EPIC funding is available. Of this $48 million, $12 million is immediately available to fund 12 proposals for up to $1 million for the Design Phase. Applicants selected and funded for the Design Phase are then eligible to receive up to $9 million for the Build Phase of this solicitation.

3 of 12 EPIC Challenge design phase winners featured Community Energy Labs

CEL's building automation technology was a critical technology component in the winning teams' proposed designs. Project design will carry on through March of 2024. Build phase proposals will then follow the summer after.

Group #2: Central Valley/Northern California

Mutual Housing and ArchNexus are collaborating on the Mutual Housing at Fairview Terrace to bring beautiful, affordable net-zero and grid-aware housing to the Central Valley of California.

ConSol, Inc. Reimagining Affordable Mixed-Use Development in a Carbon-Constrained Future is a project that provides a viable, scalable, plug-and-play zero-emissions pathway for mixed-use development. Further, the project integrates three key emerging energy technologies within a four-tier resilience strategy using CEL's tech for building control.

Group #3: Los Angeles Region

Paseo Adelanto: A New Paradigm is a project conceived and led by Jamboree Housing. The new permanent supportive housing project will include a San Juan Capistrano City Hall, a microgrid, dynamic energy management and all-electric, controllable devices. Similarly, it will integrate CEL's technology.

Click here to learn more about these projects.
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