Venture for ClimateTech Selects CEL

May 10, 2022

The Upshot

Venture for ClimateTech selects CEL to participate in its second cohort alongside 11 other organizations.

CEL joins second cohort of Venture for ClimateTech

In May, Venture for ClimateTech selected CEL as one of 12 companies, out of 220 applicants, to participate in its second cohort. As a cohort member, CEL will participate in a virtual accelerator to receive hands-on support for its building decarbonization platform. The program will then help CEL hone its customer discovery, investor pitch, business validation, team development, and pathway to scale.

Venture For ClimateTech, a nonprofit accelerator program, funds climate technology innovators from around the world. Currently, these entrepreneurs often struggle to receive the support they need to introduce innovative technologies. Therefore, support is needed to help secure a brighter, more sustainable future. The program is building a diverse coalition of founders, investors, innovators, and technical experts. All of these individuals are working to catalyze new ClimateTech solutions. Then, the accelerator sources the most promising ClimateTech innovators from around the world and offers them hands-on support until they are ready for first customers, pilot runs, and investment. Founders then have support to build strong teams and tackle commercialization challenges. For example, cohort members can receive non-dilutive funding, hiring support, free and discounted services, and assistance developing a pathway to scale.


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