Wings Conference Highlights Climate Solutions

March 27, 2024

The Upshot

Join us at The Wings Conference on April 25 at Portland State University! The conference will highlight the innovative climate solutions that can benefit Oregon and the world.

The Wings Conference Highlights Climate Tech

Oregon's state motto is "She flies with her own wings." In homage to this motto, The Wings Conference seeks to address the pressing challenges of our planetary moment. The conference will bring together inspiring climate leaders in Oregon to talk about promising innovations and solutions. This is the second year for the climate tech conference, which was founded by the Technology Association of Oregon and Climate Curious. Four programs will gather Oregonians and charge them to lead the discussion and action against climate change:

  • Main Stage Talks: Tightly crafted talks from diverse perspectives and disciplines, presented with high production value and designed to have a lasting impact beyond the conference day.
  • Showcases: Startups and social entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, bringing into focus growth companies and community partners making significant impact in their respective industries and communities.
  • Deep Dive Sessions: Small groups with shared passion discussing and developing ideas, tackling existing problems, and creating a plan of action to move these ideas forward.
  • An Expo: A myriad of climate tech associates showcasing their groundbreaking projects. Engage directly with sponsors and Impact Partners and learn firsthand how to create a better climate future.

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